Vicidial no one is in your session: 8600051

Step by step guide to solve the vicidial issue “No one is in your session: 8600051“. while logging into vicidial agent portal you will receives this alert “no one is in your session: 860051”, there are couple of root cause of this issue, which we will discuss in detail in this blog article also solution to resolve this issue.

Vicidial no Session issue:

 Below are the possible causes of the issue “no one is in your sessions“, this issue is also similar to the other issue in vicidial like “Your session has been disabled” and “Sorry, there are no available sessions

    Once an agent logs in to the vicidial , his phone should be part of a conference ,which is pre-configured in the vicidial starting from 8600051.  Either the agents Phone is not reachable or the vicidial conferences are not available or not configured properly you will receive this alert on agent screen “no one is in your session: 8600051”

vicidial meetme Conference

Make sure the default conferences are created in the vicidial fresh, login as admin and  navigate to  ADMIN > conferences,  and ADMIN > vicidial conferences.

If it is empty you have to create the sessions, Instead of creating manually we can use the existing script to create in bulk, follow the below link to create conferences

Meetme conference with wrong IP

  If you have the changed the IP address of your vicidial server or forget to run the initial update script to replace the IP in database you will face this issue, as soon you have changed the IP or after fresh install you need to run the IP update script. follow my article to update the IP Vicidial IP update in Database

Duplicate Conference with multiple IP

Sometimes the Vicidial conferences, phones get updated with two IP’s , that is you will see duplicate entries for each IP address. so the previous IP will take precedence which leads to non availability of conference session.

navigate to ADMIN > Conferences and identify the duplicate entries IP address, Either delete those entries one by one or using mysql command you can delete the duplicate entries


#mysql -p
>use asterisk;
>MariaDB [asterisk]> delete from conferences where server_ip="";
   Query OK, 49 rows affected (0.000 sec)
>delete from vicidial_conferences where server_ip="";
   Query OK, 249 rows affected (0.001 sec)

**note is the IP of my duplicate entries .

Vicidial background Screens

Make sure necessary vicidial background screens are running , Type screen -list   in linux console,

you should  get below outputs of running screens

screen -ls

There are screens on:

 2307.ASTVDauto  (Detached)
        2147.astshell20140626063212     (Detached)
        2105.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
        2304.ASTlisten  (Detached)
        2301.ASTsend    (Detached)
        2153.asterisk   (Detached)
        2109.ASTconf3way        (Detached)
        2107.ASTfastlog (Detached)
        2310.ASTVDremote        (Detached)
         2298.ASTupdate  (Detached)

If not running check out the article for enabling the vicidial screens running background

vicidial duplicate background screen

The asterisk and .astshell are the two major screen required for the conferences and other asterisk related services, make sure these services should not be duplicated as shown below

There are screens on:

5790.ASTVDremote        (Detached)
        5773.ASTVDauto  (Detached)
 5770.ASTlisten  (Detached)
        5767.ASTsend    (Detached)
        5764.ASTupdate  (Detached)
        2266.ASTconf3way        (Detached)
        2263.ASTemail   (Detached)
        2260.ASTVDadFILL        (Detached)
        2250.ASTfastlog (Detached)
        2242.ASTVDadapt (Detached)

 1896.asterisk   (Detached)
        1888.astshell20230319223349     (Detached)
        1835.asterisk   (Detached)
        1830.astshell20230319223338     (Detached)

If there is duplicate either Detach the duplicates by running the below command with respective duplicate screens with ID number and servers.

screen -S 1896.asterisk -X quit

As these two services are started during os Boot by init script , make sure no duplicate entries in Init scripts located in /etc/rc.d/rc.local  and /etc/rc.d

Vicidial Dialplan Mismatch

The agents phones should be reachable via the vicidial default dialplan’s , if you have created the dialplan which overrides the existing dialplan , you will end up with this alert message no one is in your session.

The default dialplans for phones and conference are located in extensions-vicidial.conf

exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001,60,)
exten => 1001,2,Goto(default,850266666666661001,1)
exten => 1001,3,Hangup()
exten => _86000[5-9]X,1,Meetme(${EXTEN},F)
exten => _86000[5-9]X,n,Hangup()

 make sure you should not have dialplan which override these dialplans and avoid using dialplan with any any accept for example _X.,1

Under asterisk cli type below command to make sure they use right dialplan

asterisk> dialplan show 1001@default
asterisk> dialplan show 8600051@default

Vicidial webphone TLS certificate mismatch

If you are using webphone as the default phones for agent login, then Make sure the TLS certificate and key path should match the same Certificate and Key used for the Webservers under the webrtc templates


Vicidial webphone delay ring

By default the webphones registers as soon you logged in to you vicidial agent panel, but the agent panel take time to load , in mean time the vicidial initiates the session call ,which will be dropped due to the delay in agent portal loading time leading to the alert no one is in your sessions – call agent again.

you can delay this initial call to webphone, follow the below steps.

cd /var/www/html/agc
cp options-example.php options.php

Now edit the options.php file and set 10 for $webphone_call_seconds  

cd /var/www/html/agc
vi +64 /var/www/html/agc/options.php

search for below line and enter 10

$webphone_call_seconds  = '10';

Vicidial Database Crash:

 Check whether you database is crashed , if database is crashed the vicidial will not able to log the live session in the tables like live_channels and live_sip_channels, check out my article for repairing and optimizing the crashed vicidial mysql database

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